Performance measurement in strategic changes

Performance measurement in strategic changes, in EPSTEIN M.J. – MANZONI J.F. – DAVILA A. Performance measurement and management control: innovative concepts and practices, Volume 20, Book series: Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, Emerald, 2010.


Although strategic changes and management control systems are relevant, there is the need for an evolution in the tools of performance measurement, analysis and control to understand the ability of the firms, at first, to face environmental variability and, then, to achieve objectives through the strategic change management. This study was dedicated to the issue of what measures are relevant during the strategic change process. It also proposes a multidimensional control system for strategic changes. The framework is based on: the literature review and analysis about strategic change, change management and performance measurement; a two-stage empirical research. Overall, the proposed control system can help firms in managing strategic changes.

Performance Measurement

Inside synergy assessment: avoiding mistakes for mergers and acquisitions success

Inside synergy assessment: avoiding mistakes for mergers and acquisitions success, EURAM (European Academy of Management Annual Conference.), 2010 Annual conference.


Synergy assessment is an important challenge for firms, advisors, and practitioners involved in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). However, despite the value of synergy expectations is commonly regarded as one of the M&A success factors, its role in synergy assessment models is surprisingly overlooked in the literature. Therefore, we conduct an exploratory survey on how different types of experts assess the value of synergies in M&A. Our results suggest a misalignment between theoretical prescriptions and business practices. Based on this findings, we identify three common types of mistakes and we advance a new tool for the useful support of synergy assessment in M&A.


Le preferenze degli attori economici verso l’installazione di un Centro di Distribuzione Urbana (CDU)

Le preferenze degli attori economici verso l’installazione di un Centro di Distribuzione Urbana (CDU): il caso di Pesaro”, (con Paglione G.), in Borruso G., Forte E., Musso E., (a cura di), Economia dei trasporti e logistica economica – Ricerca per l’innovazione e politiche di governance, Giordano Editore, pp. 961-984.

Innovazione e governo del cambiamento: verso un sistema multidimensionale di indicatori di performance

Innovazione e governo del cambiamento: verso un sistema multidimensionale di indicatori di performance, IR TOP Journal of Investor Relations, Vol. VIII, n. 2, aprile/giugno, 2009.


Questo studio propone un sistema multidimensionale di misurazione della performance per il governo del cambiamento. Il modello elaborato è stato costruito attraverso: l’analisi teorica della letteratura inerente i temi del cambiamento, dell’innovazione e dei sistemi multidimensionali di indicatori di performance; una prima analisi empirica volta ad integrare l’analisi teorica. L’applicazione del sistema di indicatori di performance proposto può accrescere la capacità delle aziende di affrontare con successo il processo di governo del cambiamento.

Innovazione e governo_copertina